UUA Congregational Life and Stewardship for Us presented a 3-part national webinar series in early 2023: Cornerstones of Effective Stewardship for our Congregations.
The series was divided into three sessions:
- The Multiplatform Context – Now that a multiplatform world is here for good, how do we steward a multiple-form congregation? Who is part of our congregations? Let’s explore what stewardship could look like in a permanent multi-platform, in-person and online congregation. Share your stories and hear about how others are adapting for the future.
- The Multicultural/Multiracial World – Has your congregation been exploring the 8th Principle, working on antiracism and multiculturalism? How do these efforts connect with stewardship practices? Come join us to explore values- and faith-aligned stewardship, widening the circle to promote multicultural engagement and equity-based systems.
- The Changing Multigenerational Demographics – Our congregations may comprise 3, 4, or 5 generations now, each with its own approach to spirituality, community, activism, money, and more. How can stewardship and generosity thrive and how will financial health best be supported as our congregations undergo generational shifts? Let’s share strategic and creative ideas and experiences in sustaining communities of generosity and commitment.
The recordings of this webinar series are available in this course.
If you attended the course, you are able to access these materials. Please check with Chanel Gomez for a code.