Creating beloved community requires intention and practice. Our covenants articulate our intention, but how do we live into the practice? Right Relations Teams (also known as “Healthy Congregations Teams”) are lay leaders entrusted to help the congregation practice faithful communication and creative conflict based on values of mutuality and consent.
This robust training has been developed for congregational teams who will be helping their congregations (or other covenantal communities) live into their covenants. Team members access the training materials on their own, then come together for practice sessions using materials provided. (Individuals can also take the training.) Each module includes 1-2 hours of video/reading/reflection. (The training outline can be viewed by “expanding” the course content below.)
You can find more information about Right Relationship Teams on LeaderLab at uua.org.
This training has been assembled by UUA staff with years of experience in covenant, conflict transformation, and congregational dynamics, including: