Note: This training was originally offered in a semester format in 2015.
Our religious education programs often embrace the explicit goal of building UU identity in our children and youth but the work of figuring out “who I am” and what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist is just as meaningful for adults. Unitarian Universalism requires you to be an active participant in building your religious identity, a task that sometimes requires letting go or “unlearning” painful lessons from our past.
What does it mean to “be” a Unitarian Universalist?
What role does faith development play in constructing a religious identity that matches your particular experience and your unique journey?
This training will explore these important questions and lift up specific pathways and trainings for identity exploration, particularly suitable for leaders.
Patricia Hall Infante is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist who grew up in a large New York City congregation. In 1997 her heart led her to begin a career in religious education and she currently serves the UUA Central East Region.
Pat is a credentialed religious educator and, in 2016, was named DRE Emerita of the UU Church in Cherry Hill. She and her partner of 30+ years live a life of deep gratitude and rich abundance in New Jersey.
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