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Welcome to the Leading UU Culture Change Renaissance Module!
Note: This is the advanced Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression, Multicultural module, the “301-level” to the Multicultural RE module’s “101-level” and contains the training materials for a training with live sessions.
Registration for this module is done on the UUA website.
Shortly after you register, you will be receiving a Welcome Email from your facilitators for the course. Please find more information about this module and the Renaissance Program below.

The Leading UU Culture Change module is an online learning experience comprised of six 2-hour webinars with reading and other assignments for each session. Credit will be offered for full participation in the module. Full participation includes:
- Online attendance at six 2-hour sessions
- Reading and reflection to prepare for each session
- Completion of final project
- Submission of final evaluation within a week of the ending of the module
Participants will
- Imagine a Unitarian Universalism that does not yet exist, where all people are welcome to bring their whole selves to our pluralist faith;
- Receive a space, resources, and materials for holding conversations about dismantling white supremacy culture in Unitarian Universalism;
- Lift up the needs of children, youth, and adults of color and their families and identify supports that should be part of a changed culture;
- Examine power, both formal and informal, in their professional setting;
- Identify points of influence and learn how to effectively use power to create culture change;
- Consider leadership structures and configurations in Unitarian Universalist congregations and identify ways to work collaboratively with other leaders in creating culture change within a variety of different structures and contexts; and
- Affirm and support religious educators in their central role in bringing about positive culture change in congregations and in the UUA.
Training Content
Module Content
0% Complete
0/4 Steps
Module Content
0% Complete
0/3 Steps
Module Content
0% Complete
0/4 Steps