What is the UU Institute?
The UU Institute is a service of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and is administered by UUA Staff, underwritten by congregations’ gifts to the UUA’s Annual Program Fund.
Learning Philosophy
The UU Institute is an online learning community offering trainings and other learning experiences that support members, leaders and professionals in Unitarian Universalist communities.
The UU Institute’s trainings and other learning experiences include readings and video presentations that you can access online at your own pace, paired with discussion questions and activities you can share with others in “real time”.
We use a Learning Management System (LMS) called LearnDash to move you through the materials and track your progress. When you complete a course, you will receive a certificate.
Our Mission
To Equip Congregations and Communities…
…for Vital Ministry to Create Ever-Widening Circles of Belonging and Love
Grounded – Theological commitments are clear for the congregation’s anti-racist, antioppression and multicultural (ARAOMC) work, including being engaged in their local communities on matters of justice as authentic accountable partners, clear theological grounding in AR/AO/MC
Embodied – To be ethical employers, practice what we preach, embed anti-racism and full inclusion in administrative and operations systems use multimedia ARAOMC intergenerational worship and educational materials.
Inclusive – To provide multicultural multigenerational worship and community, Lifespan – UU Communities will support youth in developing their faith and intersecting identities in transitioning into adolescence and emerging adulthood; honoring life’s landmarks; connection through elderhood; also includes identity-affirming – welcoming to connect their members to the widened support of DRUUMM, BLUU, TRUUsT, and other identity-based groups
To Train and Support Leaders, Both Lay and Professional…
…for Adaptive and Sustainable Ministry
Relational – Engage in ministry and leadership that affirms the wholeness of people and communities they serve, ground their leadership in ARAOMC analysis and theological understanding, minister to across cultures and experiences through storytelling and narrative, to engage in productive conflict,
Adaptive – Lead in culturally competent and innovative ways, Able to help their communities address/navigate challenges from our own history and from broader social realities/trends
Equitable and sustainable – Leadership is fulfilling and sustainable (especially for leaders from the margins), with a pipeline for the next generation; Equitable success of leadership, success not determined by identity, leaders of all identities can thrive.
To Advance UU Values in the World…
…in Service of Justice and Liberation
Mobilized – Organize and mobilize to support movements for liberation, grounded in our theological legacies and emerging UU liberation theologies,
In Solidarity – Partnership with and leadership by those impacted by injustice, this is long-haul work and requires long-term relationships and trust, mutuality
Prophetic – Amplify the prophetic message and voices of our faith