Creating a zero recruitment culture requires a shift in priorities. Namely, volunteers must be valued over programs. Because good volunteers are not a renewable resource, it is imperative to celebrate and care for the ones who are already engaged. Retention should always take priority over recruitment. When the time is spent throughout the year on retaining volunteers, less time is needed for recruitment.
Instructors: This course is taught by Laura Beth Brown.

Laura Beth Brown is the Director of Family Ministry at Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Summit, NJ and previously served congregations in Manhattan and Long Island in her 17 years as a professional religious educator. She is the President of the Metro New York LREDA Chapter, and before that served for 6 years as a Good Officer. Laura Beth led 12-hr workshops on Embracing Family Ministry with her Ministerial Supervisor, the Rev. Emilie Boggis, at last year’s UUMA Center Institute for ministers, and then again on Star Island for religious educators. Just last fall, she presented at LREDA Fall Conference as well. She has also led volunteer-strategy workshops for various religious professional groups.
When she is not “in the office,” Laura Beth is “on the mat.” Laura Beth has been a yoga enthusiast for nearly two decades and has taught yoga in studios and medical settings for nearly 7 years. She is also a trained Off the Mat, Into the World facilitator. Her yoga practice and UU faith continue to inform each other.Please note: Group
Group registration is for congregational groups where one person is paying for all the participants in one transaction. If each person will be purchasing their own access, this is not appropriate for you. Please read our Group Enrollment FAQ before purchasing.
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