Cohesive Leadership 401

1. Cohesive Leadership (5:16)

2. Introduction to The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Model – Patrick Lencioni (3:53)

3. Team Exercise

Print out and take the following assessment:  Congregational Leadership Team Assessment (pdf)

Share and compare your answers

4. Reading:

Chapter 7 “Qualities of an Adaptive Organization” from The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and Your World by Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, Marty Linsky

7 Ways to Show Your Team You Trust Them by Karin Hurt

5. Questions for Discussion with your congregational team (or use the comments section below):

Here are some strategies for strengthening your leadership team.  What other strategies might you suggest?  (answer in the comments section below)

Behavior #1: Building Trust

  • Identify and discuss individual strengths and challenges. Strategize how to play to each other’s strengths.
  • Spend “face” time together working on shared goals & meaningful metrics.

Behavior #2: Mastering Conflict

  • Develop a shared understanding of emotional systems (“Healthy Leadership”), leading change and conflict styles.
  • Establish and live into a leadership covenant.

Behavior #3: Meeting Commitments

  • Review commitments at the end of each meeting to ensure that all leaders have a shared understanding how the actions are aligned with the mission and of their individual responsibilities.
  • Agree to “disagree in private” but be committed to being in alignment with the final decision of the team.

Behavior #4: Mutual Accountability

  • Explicitly communicate expectations and levels of commitment
  • Regularly assess the contributions of all of the leaders against shared goals & metrics.

Behavior #5: Focusing on Goals

  • Leaders at all levels set and measure their contribution against annual goals and metrics.
  • When goals are achieved, there is celebration by the whole congregation and leaders are honored for their work.

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