UUI-Revitalizing the Smaller Congregation 115


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Seats: 1
Total: $15.00 Discounted price
Trainings in this Group



Does your congregation have fewer than 100 members? Do your leaders burn out quickly? Do you get first time visitors but not many repeat visitors?  This course is for you!

Often, the model of church that people have in their heads is a church that can afford full-time ministry, along with part-time staff members, such as religious educators, music directors and administrators. But smaller congregations run on members’ gifts of time as well as of money. How can the small congregation be good stewards of both?

We recommend that a team of lay leaders (and your minister, if you have one) take this course together and use the exercises and apply the discussion questions for your own congregation’s situation.

Instructor: Rev. Megan Foley serves on the Central East Region staff as Regional Lead. She has a passion for working with smaller congregations.  Before joining regional staff she served for six years as the minister of the Sugarloaf Congregation of Unitarian Universalists in Germantown, Maryland.  Megan holds a Master of Divinity degree from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., and an M.A. in Sociology from the University of Connecticut in Storrs.

Please note: Group Registration is for congregational groups where one person is paying for all the participants in one transaction. If each person will be purchasing their own access, this is not appropriate for you. Please read our Group Enrollment FAQ before purchasing.