UUI-Strategic Leadership 301


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Seats: 1
Total: $30.00 Discounted price
Trainings in this Group



The third in our suite of four Leadership Develop courses, Strategic leadership is board members, staff, program council members, ministry executive teams, finance committees, bylaws review committees, strategic planning committees, committees on ministry and any other leaders who need to thing strategically.

You will gain a deeper understanding of how to focus your congregation on mission, by building trust and developing a cohesive leadership team. Learn about stewardship, strategic planning, annual goal setting and ministry assessment and the basics of congregational governance.

Prerequisites: Reading Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times, or taking Healthy Leadership 101, Centered Leadership 101, Healthy Congregations®, Smart Church, UU Leadership School or equivalent.

Instructors: This course is team-taught by various UUA Congregational Life Staff, and hosted by UU Leadership Institute Co-Deans, the Rev. Dr. Jonipher Kwong, and the Rev. Renée Ruchotzke.

Please note: Group Registration is for congregational groups where one person is paying for all the participants in one transaction. If each person will be purchasing their own access, this is not appropriate for you. Please read our Group Enrollment FAQ before purchasing.